
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Raw Nut Butter Recipe

Raw Nut Butter Recipe
Makes about 20 servings

Raw nut butter makes a great easy to make snack on the go. Along with being convenient, it is very healthy as well. According to Judy Caplan, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Nuts are full of “Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber which help you feel full and suppress your appetite.” When you roast the nuts you also destroy some of the nutrients in the nut. This is why it is important to et all of your nuts raw. Nut butter is especially great when eaten with carrots, celery, or apple wedges.


Raw Nut Butter
1 cup raw peanuts
1 cup raw almonds
1 cup raw cashews
1 cup raw Walnuts
1/3 cup unrefined almond, flaxseed, walnut, or grape seed oil

Directions: Combine all of nuts into a blender and add half the oil before blending and then add the other half when the blend starts becoming consistent.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Nature’s “Green Butter”

Avocadoes are the tastiest thing to some people and to others it is simply horrible. One that we can all agree on, however, is that it is one of the healthiest fruit in the world. Even though it is a food high in fat, it is one of the healthiest fats in the world. Avocado fats provide many benefits for your body. Below are just some of the reasons why you should add avocadoes to your diet according to Underground Health.


According to Underground Health, avocadoes are known to:

-Reduce cholesterol

-Have anti-inflammatory properties

-Contain 25 vitamins and minerals that include Vitamin A, B, C, E, K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.

-Reduce blood pressure

-Regulate blood sugar

-Promote eye health

-Regulate blood sugar levels

-Prevent birth defects

-Reduce the chance of a stroke

-Protect against cancer

-Fight free radicals

-Increase nutrient absorption

-Help with skin care


After seeing an overwhelming health benefits, you may be wondering how you can add more avocadoes to your diet. Well, you will be pleased to know that adding more avocadoes to your diet is much easier than you think. Besides eating it raw, you can use avocadoes in many recipes. Avocadoes are used for recipes such as guacamole, sushi, sandwiches and salads. On top of that avocadoes make a great side to almost any dish.




"15 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Avocados." Underground Health. N.p., 21 May 2013. Web. 03 Feb. 2014.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Green Chutney Recipe

Happy New Years!

I have an Indian recipe for all of you zest lovers! It is called green chutney and it is a an easy and healthy recipe and makes all of your appetizers taste much better. It is my mom's special recipe which is now yours! This recipe serves about 10.


Green Chutney

2 cups mint leaves
1 cup cilantro leaves
1 onion sliced
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 garlic cloves
2 jalapeƱos (more or less depending on how spicy you want it)
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp. shredded coconut (optional)
1/4 cup yogurt (optional)
1/4 cup water

Directions: Combine all of the ingredients except the yogurt and water into a blender. Blend until it becomes a cream consistency. Then add the water and yogurt and blend until they are dissolved evenly. Serve in a bowl and garnish with shredded coconut.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Should I buy organic food?

This article is for those who are trying to save some money while still trying to eat healthier. If you are one of the people who have no problem shelling out any amount of cash for being healthy, you should always opt for the organic choice.


Should I buy organic foods? With rising food prices, it is a question that is asked all the time. Well the question is very vague and the proper answer, that no one wants to hear, is "yes and no". Yes, eating organic foods are a healthier choice as they allow you to avoid some of the chemicals and pesticides. Not to mention that organic foods help keep the environment clean and taste much better.


But whether or not you should buy organic foods depends on what kind of product it is. Fruits and vegetables provide a better value for the higher prices as they contain many pesticides by modern farming. Conventional (non-organic) fruits and vegetables are also allowed to be genetically modified which has been found by some tests to have serious side effects to the human body.


But even when buying fruits and vegetables, it is important to distinguish which fruits and vegetables should definitely be bought organic. Produce with thicker skins such as bananas and lemons, are not worth buying organic as the pesticides cannot leach in to the edible part of the fruit due to the tough barrier of the skin. However produce such as apples and pears have a extremely skinny skin which allow the chemicals through. Generally speaking, all produce that are eaten with the skin on should be tried and bought organic. If you are further interested, a good resources by Good House Keeping is the dirty dozen produce that have the most pesticides. It can be reached here,


For meats, organic is definitely worth it knowing how unhygienic conventional meats are these days. If you cannot afford organic, you at least buy the meats that are no antibiotic and hormones. If you can afford it, the best meat available is grass fed meat. It is not only keeps the animals happier and away from diseases, it is the healthiest and cleanest meat available. Grass fed meat is not cheap though, it can cost as much as up to three times as more as regular meats.


Lastly, prepared foods such as snacks and canned foods that are organic are the least worth it. This is because store bought prepared food is not healthy in the first place. It contains a lot of oils, sugars and salts for its preservation to better taste. Here it is okay to save some money and pass on the organic selection as it has the least benefits. If you if truly do not have time to cook at home and must buy a prepared food, it is important to understand what the different labeling of organic means. Different labels of organic labeling have different meanings by the USDA. A package that says “100% organic” means that it is all organic. A package that just says “organic” is made with at least 95% ingredients that are organic. And lastly, a package that says “made with organic ingredients” must have at least 70% of ingredients organic.


Hopefully this will clear up any confusion regarding the question of buying organic.  As you can, see there is no one answer for this question. The answer will be different for everyone depending on their budget and what they are seeking to get out of organic food. Stay tuned for more posts on my blog. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions in the comments below.

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